Child Find in Kansas involves a screening process for children from birth to age five. Schools use this process to locate, evaluate and identify students who may need special education services. The earliest possible identification of a student’s areas of educational or behavioral concerns will assist a student to benefit from special education and diminish the impact of the concern on the student’s education. Tri-County Interlocal 607 conducts screening opportunities in each of our local school districts once a month during the school year (September through May) for children ages three through five. Children birth through age two are referred to the SEK Birth to Three program located in Parsons. Screening is a quick look at a child’s hearing, vision, communication, motor, general health, self-help and learning skills conducted by a trained professional. These screening services are available to families residing within the school district boundaries of Caney, Cherryvale, Coffeyville, Fredonia, Independence, Neodesha, and Parsons. These screening services are available at no cost to families. If you have questions regarding the screening process, or would like to schedule an appointment for a screening, please contact us at (620) 331-6303 or click Email Now to send us a short message. Thank you.